Monday, January 14, 2008


Christmas is finally over! Hooray!

Now, to get a million things done within the next 25 days or so!
Something HUGE is happening! ~grins~
At the moment, I'm working on a cute, but twisted render;
Hopefully soon I'll have a WIP render up.
I'm also learning 3D modelling now. It's still a tad difficult, but very very much fun!

Say hi to Bouncy! It's dentists' nightmare!
More to come soon. ;)



Morgana said...

LOL Bouncy is just TOO cute!! Ok so in a twisted sort of way ;) I'd really not wanna get my fingers in that mouth, I NEED my fingers and it looks like he'd gnaw them off in nothin flat! ;)

25 more days!!!!!

Art Within Designs said...

Bouncy is really kind of cute in a toothy sort of way. He does kind of look like something from a dentist's nightmare I might agree. Not exactly the pet type, LOL.
So happy for you and your wonderful news. Heard all about it from Morgana. Congrats to you both. Hopefully for the two of you the time will flies. Good luck!

Morien Wynter said...

Thank you very much! Time is really slowing down now, but fortunately with a million things to do, that's helping some!

Bouncy was one of my first tries at creating anything in 3D, about a month ago, so it's really rather plain. Was so much fun to make though, that I think I'll be creating more strange creatures soon. It's almost like playing with clay; Makes me feel like I'm 5 years old again. ;)